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首页 wordpress支付插件 Wordpress WeChat pay plugin, WeChat pay plugin for wordpress

这篇文章小编就为大家带来一篇浅谈Wordpress WeChat pay plugin, WeChat pay plugin for wordpress。小编觉得挺不错的,现在就分享给大家,如果你在找,也可以做个参照。一起跟随小编过来看看吧。

Wordpress WeChat pay plugin, WeChat pay plugin for wordpress

作者:小程序开发师 发布时间:2018-05-13

Yesterday's article was detailed, How wordpress USES WeChat h5 pay function Let's look at the WeChat pay plugin for wordpress today, How to use WeChat public account, which is commonly believed to be WeChat pay ... wordpress微信支付页面 1. Wordpress USES WeChat public account to pay the scene. When the user is in WeChat, When you open up your wordpress page, The WeChat pay plugin can be recognized automatically. I'm going to call WeChat, Let users pay online. Wordpress WeChat pay page. 2. Wordpress USES WeChat pay method. Very simple, The page you post in wordpress, Just fill out the product information, And later on, The WeChat pay plugin will be processed automatically. Wordpress fills out product information. Product information mainly includes: wordpress填写产品信息 2-1) product name. If not, Use the title of your article as the product name. 2-2) product price. Notice that this is a unit, But when the user places an order on wordpress, It will automatically convert to yuan as a unit. 2-3) product inventory. If your wordpress doesn't have product information, You need to install the wordpress daqin WeChat pay plugin first. Fill in the product information, After saving the update, The user opens your wordpress product page in WeChat, It will automatically call WeChat pay , Let the user complete the pay function, The effect is as follows... Wordpress WeChat pay effect. wordpress微信支付效果 3. Features of the WeChat pay plugin for wordpress. 3-1) integrate WeChat to pay the main functions. Wp daqin WeChat pay plugin, Integrating the main functions of WeChat pay , Includes: WeChat public account pay , WeChat h5 pay and WeChat scan code pay . 3-2) automatically identify user equipment and call corresponding WeChat pay method. Wordpress daqin WeChat pay plugin, It will automatically identify what Settings the user is using to open your wordpress web page, Then call the appropriate WeChat pay method. Specifically, If the user opens the wp page with a PC, the WeChat scan code will be called. Users will open wp page on WeChat, and use WeChat public number to pay; Users in the smart phone, pad environment, non-WeChat open wp webpage, will use WeChat h5 pay . Using the wordpress daqin WeChat pay plugin, You can put any text page in wordpress, Become a product sales page, Very simple, Wordpress seconds change mall. if you want use wordpress Wechat pay plugin, concact me QQ/WeChat:68183131 click here, Watch the "wordpress plugin development" series video. Understand the implementation process and download the relevant source code. hit here, See the WeChat pay development series video. Understand the implementation process and download the relevant source code.



Wordpress WeChat pay plugin, WeChat pay plugin for wordpress链接:https://www.qinziheng.com/details/6554/


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