下面文章小编就为大家带来一篇讲解ESXi Rhttpproxy config.xml,ESXi网页管理配置修改端口,rhttpproxy config内容。小编觉得挺不错的,现在就分享给大家,如果你在找ESXi修改443端口,ESXi修改80端口,Rhttpproxy修改端口,也可以做个学习。一起跟随小编过来看看吧。
ESXi Rhttpproxy config.xml,ESXi网页管理配置修改端口,rhttpproxy config内容
作者:小程序爱好者 发布时间:2021-07-13
里面保存了 rhttpproxy 的配置内容,
可以在 config.xml 中找到。
ESXi Rhttpproxy config.xml内容如下

<!-- RhttpProxy configuration file for ESX/ESXi -->
<!-- the version of this config file -->
<!-- working directory -->
<!-- location to examine for configuration files that are needed -->
<defaultConfigPath> /etc/vmware/ </defaultConfigPath>
<!-- controls where rolling log files are stored -->
<!-- name of log file -->
<!-- controls whether logger sends its output to console also -->
<!-- If true, log to files on disk -->
<!-- default size(in bytes) of each log file before rolling over to next -->
<!-- default number of log files to rotate amongst -->
<!-- default log level -->
<!-- If true, logs to syslog -->
<!-- syslog configuration. Only used if outputToSyslog is true. -->
<!-- syslog identifier to use when logging -->
<!-- syslog facility to use when logging -->
<!-- The section header contents are placed in this file at startup.
When vmsyslogd rotates the hostd log file, it logs the content of this
file to syslog. This is being done so that we don't lose context on log
IMPORTANT: Value needs to match that in onrotate entry in
<!-- default location of the proxy config file -->
<!-- HTTP port to be used by the reverse proxy -->
<!-- HTTPS port to be used by the reverse proxy -->
<!-- Remove the following node to disable SSL -->
<!-- The server private key file -->
<!-- The server side certificate file -->
<!-- Client-side CAFile verify location -->
<!-- default thread pool configuration for Posix impl -->
<!-- Do not set MaxFdsPerThread if hostdMinFds is set above -->
<!-- MaxFdsPerThread> 2048 </MaxFdsPerThread -->
<doVersionCheck> false </doVersionCheck>
<!-- enable plugin loading -->
<loadPlugins> false </loadPlugins>
<!-- enable/disable the dynamic loading of plugins -->
<loadDynamicPlugins> false </loadDynamicPlugins>
<!-- Enable/disable the stack tracer -->
<!-- <useStackTracer>false</useStackTracer> -->
<!-- maximum size of each XML message. -->
<!-- maximum nodes in of each XML message. -->
<!-- maximum node depth of each XML message. -->
<!-- Num of max proxy connections -->
<!-- PR 604415: Temporary lower the connections limit to 128 -->
<maxConnections> 128 </maxConnections>
ESXi Rhttpproxy config.xml,ESXi网页管理配置修改端口,rhttpproxy config内容链接:https://www.qinziheng.com/details/9828/
ESXi Rhttpproxy config.xml,ESXi网页管理配置修改端口,rhttpproxy config内容相关文章